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Unlock the full potential of your environmental science curriculum with our ultimate collection of 60 case studies, now available at an exclusive 31% discount. This comprehensive set includes 121 PDF documents, featuring both student and teacher editions, along with our straightforward terms and conditions.


Why invest in the entire collection? Each case study has been meticulously updated with the latest data and graphics, ensuring your content stays current. These studies collectively align with the entire APES curriculum, offering flexibility to pick and choose what you teach, year after year. Plus, our teacher license never expires, so you're set for the long haul—with free updates included as they become available.


Click here to see how our content aligns with the APES curriculum. Please check out "Why Case Studies?" and "How to Use Case Studies" for more guidance on how we use case studies effectively in our classroom. 


Case Study List (Teacher and Student Editions Included):

  1. American Alligator
  2. American Bison
  3. American Chestnut
  4. Asbestos
  5. Bald Eagles
  6. Beavers
  7. Benthic Macroinvertebrates
  8. Big Horn Sheep
  9. Brook Trout in the Adirondacks
  10. Canada Goose
  11. Caribou
  12. Chronic Wasting Disease
  13. Cicadas
  14. Climate Change
  15. Coast Redwoods
  16. Earth's Climate
  17. Earthworms
  18. Eating at a Different Trophic Level
  19. Electric Vehicles
  20. Firewood
  21. Go Outside
  22. Gray Wolves
  23. Great Barrier Reef
  24. Hydroelectric Power
  25. Moose
  26. Mountain Lions
  27. Mule Deer
  28. Natural History
  29. New Jersey Black Bears
  30. New Jersey White-Tailed Deer
  31. North American Elk
  32. North Atlantic Right Whale
  33. Nuclear Energy
  34. Oysters
  35. Pebble Mine
  36. Pennsylvania White-Tailed Deer
  37. PFAS
  38. Photochemical Smog
  39. Plastic Pollution
  40. Pronghorn
  41. Radon
  42. Rinehart Brook
  43. Ruffed Grouse
  44. Sasquatch (Fun one for April Fools or end of year)
  45. Sea Otters
  46. Solar Eclipse
  47. Solid Waste
  48. Stargazing
  49. Stratospheric Ozone Depletion
  50. Sustainable Agriculture
  51. The Great Stink
  52. The Human Population
  53. UFOs (Fun for April Fools or end of the year)
  54. Water
  55. Wild Harvest Protein Potential of the United States
  56. Wild Hogs
  57. Wild Horses
  58. Wild Turkeys
  59. Wind Power
  60. Yellowstone Grizzly Bears

Ultimate Environmental Science Case Studies Collection

$720.00 Regular Price
$499.00Sale Price
  • ZIP file containing 51 PDF files 
    (60 Teacher Editions, 60 Student Editions, and Science Outside Terms and Conditions)

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