The Ogallala Aquifer is a vital water source for U.S. agriculture, but unsustainable irrigation is depleting it faster than it can recharge. This AP-style Inquiry Brief challenges students to analyze groundwater depletion, explore the Tragedy of the Commons, and evaluate sustainable irrigation solutions. With thought-provoking FRQs, students will connect real-world water management issues to key AP Environmental Science concepts, making it a great tool for assessments, discussions, or exam prep.
What is an Inquiry Brief?
Inquiry Briefs are compact, targeted case studies designed for assessment purposes, closely aligning with the AP Environmental Science (APES) curriculum. Unlike traditional case studies, which provide background information to teach students before asking questions, Inquiry Briefs present a limited amount of information and require students to apply their prior knowledge - similar to the format of the AP exam. Each of the nine Inquiry Briefs corresponds to a specific APES unit and includes AP-style free-response questions (FRQs), making them effective tools for end-of-unit assessments or end-of-year review. Each brief includes both a student edition and a teacher edition with complete answer keys.
Ogallala Aquifer Depletion - APES Unit 5 (Teacher & Student Edition)
ZIP file containing 3 PDF files
(1 Teacher Edition, 1 Student Edition, 1 Science Outside Terms and Conditions)
AP® Environmental Science Learning Objectives
1.7 Explain the steps and reservoir interaction in the hydrologic cycle .
4.2 Describe the characteristics and formation of soil.
5.1 Explain the concept of the tragedy of the commons.
5.3 Describe changes in agricultural practices.
5.4 Describe agricultural practices that cause environmental damage.
5.5 Describe different methods of irrigation; Describe the benefits and drawbacks of different methods of irrigation.
5.6 Describe the benefits and drawbacks of different methods of pest control.
5.15 Describe sustainable agricultural and food production practices.
AP® Environmental Science Practices
Practice 2.C Explain how environmental concepts and processes represented visually relate to broader environmental issues.
Practice 5.A Describe patterns or trends in data.
Practice 5.C Explain patterns and trends in data to draw conclusions.
Practice 5.E Explain what the data implies or illustrates about environmental issues.
Practice 7.A Describe environmental problems.
Practice 7.B Describe potential responses or approaches to environmental problems.
Practice 7.C Describe disadvantages, advantages, or unintended consequences for potential solutions.
Practice 7.D Use data and evidence to support a potential solution.
Practice 7.E Make a claim that proposes a solution to an environmental problem in an applied context.
Practice 7.F Justify a proposed solution, by explaining potential advantages.